Siège social
Nom de l’entreprise ETS IPHAINE JACQUES
Nom Prénom IPHAINE Jacques
Adresse Montgérald Fort-de-France 97200 Martinique
Tél. +596 (0) 696 92 93 61
Inscription au registre du commerce et des sociétés
Numéro d’inscription 389 310 731
Numéro de TVA intracommunautaire FR 19389310731
LUDICADEMI's exchanges with its contacts, customers, and prospects are a privileged relationship based on trust.
The personal data we process is used strictly for the purposes of our organisation, for information and marketing purposes.
The data is processed by authorised and designated staff within our organisation, in particular those designated in the legal notice section.
It is also processed by our partners and service providers, subcontractors, and those whose partnership is necessary for the supply and development of the services and products offered, in particular: host, developer.
We store this data for the purposes specified above and for the time required to fulfil and develop the missions contained in our corporate objects.
Under the terms of the regulations, you may at any time:
Request access to, rectification, restriction or deletion of your data
Change or withdraw the consent given for the processing of your data
Object to the processing and portability of your data.
You can exercise your rights and carry out the relevant procedures:
By using the Contact page on our website
By e-mail to
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Nous utilisons un service tiers pour traduire le contenu du site web qui peut collecter des données sur votre activité. Veuillez consulter les détails dans la politique de confidentialité et accepter le service pour voir les traductions.